
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hope for the Future: Advent Day 7

Advent Day 7

HOPE. Hope for the future.

I am straying from reflecting on the daily office readings today. I have been up again in the dark and watched the rise over the horizon. The beauty in this, is I ask myself, as I see light beginning to peak, "OK, God what is your plan for me today? How will my internal Advent and the outside world join together today between Saturday morning chores, an all day wrestling match with my son, work that needs to get done for work, and spending time with my family". Life happens admist the calm of the Advent journey I am trying to engage in.

I think this is part of the journey. Being present to and aware of what is happening around me, yet listening for the quiet whispers and gentleness that is tugging on my heart this morning. All I can think about is Mary.

As I sit all comfy in the sunroom wrapped in a blanket, I think about the grace that flowed into her by the heart of God. This grace strengthened and supported her to bring Jesus into the world. If you think about it, Mary alwasy brings us to Jesus. First by carrying Him as we wait in Advent, then his birth, in the temple years later,then she brings us to Jesus at the foot of the cross.

There is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy,
unique, manifold, subtle,
mobile, clear, unpolluted,
distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen,
irresistible, beneficent, humane,
steadfast, sure, free from anxiety,
all-powerful, overseeing all,
and penetrating through all spirits
that are intelligent, pure, and altogether subtle.
For wisdom is more mobile than any motion;
because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things.
For she is a breath of the power of God,
and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty;
therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her.
For she is a reflection of eternal light,
a spotless mirror of the working of God,
and an image of his goodness.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:22-26

I feel a gentleness consume me when I read this. I also can't help but think about her on that long journey to Bethlehem. Was she cold as she walked with Joseph? Was her heart settled in that peace that passes all understanding, knowing God was with her, guiding Joseph to guide them? knowing she was carrying the Christ child? Do you think she ever thought, "Why did I say Yes and rock the boat, turning my life upsidedown? I could be home with all that is familiar." Even if she did think these things, God knew those words on her heart and He would provide comfort that one comes to know when we truely step out in faith.

I am in awe of her journey but I know I can not follow in her footsteps. They are hers. I feel God calling me to create my own, my unique path. I will continue to stumble to find the right road on my journey, that will not only bring me joy and peace but will glorify God.


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