
Sunday, June 5, 2011

For Kathy

On my nightstand I keep a pile of books and a few journals. There is a journal for one for each of my children and my own gratitude journal. As I was writing in it last night, I recalled that each week over these past nine months, I would write about this class.

Personally, my gratitude is more than is more than I can put into words and I know some of you find that hard to believe! There are some things that there are no words for.

Kathy, I have only known you 9 short months. Our conversations began last spring over the phone, after my application sat in a folder on my desk for two years. During those conversations and your patience of my many, many questions

Sometimes in life we are lucky enough to meet someone who touches us in a way that is life changing. You have been that for me, in many ways. Through classroom work, verbatim discussions, reflection comments, email exchange, and reaching out to me when I needed it most....I am forever grateful.

We talked in class last week about us all being brought together in this class, in this time, for a reason. The reason some of us may know now and some of us may not know for a long time. I think it is safe to say that I, along with my comrades in pastoral care will continue to trust in the movement of the spirit, in the sacred space, of how deeply our lives have intertwined.

This is a gift you have given us trust in be open believe in the sacred exchange that takes place in caring ministry.

Kathy, you have such a beautiful way of always meeting people where they are and sometimes gently nudging us to where we need to be and if we didn’t get it with the gentle nudge, you push a little harder, always with a with compassion and a listening heart that leads to growth and transformation.

We have learned that in understanding our own grief, sadness and wounds that have shaped our own lives we can be living reminders of God's love and care and be a blessing to others.

I read something from the mystic, Julian of Norwich that I feel summarizes this sacred work in pastoral care that we are all called to do.

"I saw God in an instant of time,
in my understanding,
and by this vision
I saw that God is present in all things...
And God said to me:
I thank you
for your service and your labor,

Thank you Kathy , for your service and labor.

"Blessed are you
woman of passion rooted deep
standing tall
touching all you reach

Blessed are you woman of the earth
sculpted from is clay
and fired by the very breath of God
forming and firing new life and
reflecting the light of
the One
who calls you by name

Blessed are you tender woman
freely sharing laughter and tears
wounds and healing
weaving compassion and peace

Blessed are you
woman of wisdom
enfolding and unfolding
mystery and myth

Blessed are you in all that you are".....

an island in the sea
a hill on the shore
a star in the night
a staff for the weak



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