Freedom isn't free.
Each time I visit Arlington National Cemetery I am speechless.
Tomb stone, after tomb stone, after tomb stone.
Who were these people? Loyalty, devotion, dedication, love and fear are words that always come to mind. Did they volunteer? Were they drafted? Did they run away from something hoping for a better life? How did they die? Old age? Accidental? At war?
Tomb stone, after tomb stone, after tomb stone.
Today I see a sea of wreaths leaning on the gravesites of these men and woman who have served.
The Arlington Wreath project began nearly twenty years ago after a young boy of 12 came to Arlington National Cemetery on a school trip. The education he received that day spoke to his heart about freedom, sacrifice and always honoring our veterans of all service to America. So, this young boy headed back to Maine and began his mission. At the young age of 12, he really didn't know what was beginning. Life for him moved on and "he always recognized that his success as a businessman was in large part, due to the values of this Nation and the Veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country." The local wreath company had an excess of wreaths and helped this dream become a reality. At first the wreaths were laid in the older section of Arlington because at that time it was receiving less visitors. Now , people come from all over the United States to participate in this event and passing this onto local areas with Wreaths Across America.
What happens after today though? Do we remember, honor and teach, when the caroling stops and the good will becomes a memory? This awareness is so much more than just today and Christmastime. It needs to be ongoing.
Isn't this what God asks of us at Christmas... To Go Forth beyond Advent and Christmas with love and our good will to all, to honor the birth of Jesus ,teach that he will come again and remember that each Christmas we are beginning again; renewed with the light and ongoing transformation of our own Christmas story.
Maybe the wreaths are that light at Arlington Cemetary, a tangible reminder of serving and trusting in where you are led to serve, no matter the cost and going forth in faith.
Prepare now to fight for her and defend her, to love her and encourage her in holiness. Let all you do reflect the dignity that I have given to you, and honor those around you. You are called to lay down your life as I have laid down my life for you.24 There is no greater love than this that a man should lay down his life for another.25 It is in losing your life that you will gain it.26 Will you lay down your life for Me?I love you.27 Trust in me.28 Trust that the plan I have for you will bring you the peace the world cannot give.
With gratitude, I remember and honor the many soldiers and their families who have answered God's call to serve our country.
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