A number of years ago I read this and have kept it tucked in my bible. I do not know who the author is. How wonderful of this author to think about God in this way, a father writing a letter to His son on the night of His birth.
I wonder what God's letter to me would say this Christmas. What would God's letter to you say? Something to ponder. Breathe in the breath of God and listen.
My son Jesus,
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. I created you in my image and likeness. Out of nothing, I formed your body into a temple for the Holy Spirit, and I breathed life into you. I shaped your mind, your talents, your emotions, and I formed a plan for your life that fits you perfectly. You are my son whom I love; remain in my love.
Behold I stand at the door and knock. Will you let Me in? Out of love I created you, and out of love I seek to be with you. I have called you by name, and given you the choice to love Me or to reject Me. I ask that you open your heart to Me and follow Me. What will separate you from Me? I have seen your past, and I know your future. Though you may stray from Me, I am rich in mercy and grace. Come back to Me with a humble heart, ask for forgiveness, and you will be forgiven.
You have a deep fierce heart. I gave you this heart for the battles that you will fight. Like Me, you are a warrior. You will be attacked by temptation, loneliness, and your own desires. So put on my armor so that you will be able to stand firm against the evil one. I have clothed you with power from on High. Pick up the sword of prayer and the shield of faith. Call out to Me, and I will give you courage under trial, resistance under temptation, and patience to endure. With Me, you have what it takes.
You have been called to guard and protect the purity that I have placed within you and around you. Guard the purity found within you, and only then can you guard the purity and beauty of women. Give your heart to Me; surrender to Me; allow Me to form your desires and transform your fears. At the perfect time I will bring you a woman for whom you can give your whole life, or you will join with Me in total love for my Bride, the Church. Your bride will be a gift for you. Prepare now to fight for her and defend her, to love her and encourage her in holiness. Let all you do reflect the dignity that I have given to you, and honor those around you. You are called to lay down your life as I have laid down my life for you. There is no greater love than this that a man should lay down his life for another. It is in losing your life that you will gain it. Will you lay down your life for Me?
I love you. Trust in me. Trust that the plan I have for you will bring you the peace the world cannot give. Take delight in my plan for you, and I will grant you your heart’s desires, and you will become the man I created you to be. Walk with Me, as I walk with you. Endure to the end, and we shall dwell together in my Kingdom forever.
With all my love,
God, your Father
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