
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Here I am

Well, here I am taking the plunge into blogging. I have been writing on and off since I was a child. It has been a venue that enables me to write what is on my heart. Lately, I find myself waking to the whisper of a summer breeze or the sweet sound of the cows "moo" and I am nudged to write in the stillness of the night, often ending as the sunrises over the horizon.

So here I am. I figure I will write about my own evolving views on theology,thoughts on the liturgy I love,my ministry,sermons that touch my heart or challenge me,the people who inspire me,and what ever the Spirit moves me to share.

I am on an amazing journey in my life right now. For the past few years I have been in discernment to where God is calling me in my life. I tried to ignore my call for sometime but God is persistent. I finally "stepped out of the boat", like the apostle Peter,stepping into the unknown to which God is calling. Peter walks, becomes frightened by the wind, begins to sink, cries out to Jesus, and is rescued. This is not a story about the skeptic who doubts, but a story of a faithful follower who becomes overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding him, who begins to lose his nerve when he discovers the odds stacked against him, but who from Jesus finds a steadying, delivering hand. Peter's story is my story. It is that bridge of faith that allows me to move between the known and unknown, toward a new horizon with limitless possibilities, opening my consciousness and allowing me to see the invisible, all guided by the voice of God. This has given me new life, new energy and a new purpose to my living. The path isn't always easy or comfortable but it is my path that is set by God for me and "all things are possible for those who believe". So, here I am...

Upon completing my formal discernment this spring and with my committee coming to consensus,I know and trust that God is calling me to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church. What is God up to? A wife. A mother. A priest? I am saying yes!

I invite you along on my journey. I look forward to your comments and discussion as we learn and grow together in the Spirit.


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