I was out walking along the quiet dirt road behind my house with my two labs, Rocky and Max. The road winds through a few farms. The beauty always takes my breath away. Each time I walk I get lost in my thoughts. Sometimes I am just quiet taking the beauty of creation in, other times I engage in the dance my dogs do with the cows.
Each time I walk this path I discover something different. I have seen rainbows, new birds coming alive in their nests, mama cows taking care of their babies, flowers blooming,horses grazing,bugs dancing on the creek water, even the ants in the dirt seem to have a particular mission.
On this particular day, I was contemplating what my life is about, what my life has become and what will my life be like as my journey continues. The conversation I had with myself went something like this:"Okay God, I am feeling a bit frustrated with you. I know it is okay to tell you that, right? What are you doing? What are you up to? What are you asking of me? Are you testing me? Struggles at home. Struggles with my kids. I know you are here. My faith tells me yes but there are times, especially now in this moment,I cry out, help me. I need you. Show me what to do." Well, as I said these words 10-15 butterflies were circling me. They were yellow and two were quite large and purple. They stayed with me for sometime, circling me as I continued my walk.
God certainly got my attention. It was that pick yourself up by your boot straps, kick in the pants, tug on my heart, embrace by my Beloved. I smiled and knew God was walking with me.
Hmmmm. Movement of the Spirit indeed.
These delicate creatures made me think. They are so beautiful yet their journey to this point has been no easy task.That feels very familiar. Their reward of living through the darkness of their cocoon enables them to float in the breeze of God's spirit. Quite a transformation and that feels inviting to me.
I smiled to myself thinking there was a lesson in this for me. The lesson is challenging and difficult at times. God's call is challenging and difficult at times. Quite possibly, for the kingdom of God to happen within my life, my community, my family, my church, I must give something up, let something die. Is there an attitude or way of thinking that keeps me from experiencing the fullness of the grace that Jesus intends for me? Is there some something I must confront to lift some darkness, mine or for someone else? Maybe I have to let go of some of the things that take up my time and give that time to God. Completely. I think this is the cost of discipleship.
In that moment on my walk I realized that yes, these butterflies are a symbol for me, of the transformation that is taking place in my life through the power of Jesus, creating a complete metamorphosis of my soul. This journey that God is calling me to, requires me to leave behind what I know and embrace a new way of being and submit to the mystery and trust of God's plan for me. There are quiet times, dark times, lonely times,prayerful times, times of joy, times of grace and times of peace that passes all understanding. God is present and working in all of this.
My faith enables me to trust and believe God and His Word when circumstances, emotions, people and reason point the other way. Like the apostle Paul, "for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me."
Jesus says to his beloved,"do not fear". During my walk Jesus answered my questions and He spoke a tender yet powerful whisper to me. "Let go, let the mystery unfold and I will be there with you. I am here in the darkness and you will emerge as something more beautiful that you can imagine."
So I leave you today with the following scripture. Read it, meditate on it, pray and welcome your own transformation..
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Corinthians 5:17
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