Today I will think about Mary and Elizabeth. I will pray, reflect and feel that joy that radiated from their friendship. Their friendship shared the journey in a way that only that kind of friendship can understand. How blessed these women were to have each other. Today, on this day of the visitation, I thank God for Rev. Mary Kay, my Elizabeth.
I will never forget the day at Bertucci’s Restaurant years ago when you leaped with joy in your voice at the understanding that God was creating something new within me. You shared that joy even before I knew the words. You bless me with holy conversations about how to handle God’s intention for me through this new life he is creating in me.
I thank you for these holy conversations -talking about God, sharing the journey of what God is doing in my life as it soaks into the deep life giving womb of my soul. These holy conversations teach me so much, blessing me with space to grow and develop through your encouragement, hand holding, kindred spirit and hard conversations.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, full of grace, has guided me my whole life, since my early days of elementary school. I didn’t know that her guiding would lead me to find my own Elizabeth .
I imagine in between the holy conversations that Mary and Elizabeth shared , there was ice cream and diet coke, laughter and tears, road trips, joking with one another about their albs making their butt look big, long conversations, and shared sacred silence. I bet they also wondered how their human, broken, loving souls could possibly magnify the Lord with all the life stuff, the heartbreaks and the joys going on with them, their families and the world. They wanted to please the Lord. They trusted and had faith in God. They were strong, loving, amazing, faithful women.
Peace and blessings my friend on this day of the visitation, a day to remember Mary and Elizabeth and Mary’s words of the Magnificant. Her words, are an invitation for us to strive to be instruments of peace, love and truth telling. God has brought down the powerful and has lifted up the lowly. God has and will continue to do so but needs us to be those vessels and to trust that we are those vessels so the Word can become flesh in us.
"And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment
of what was spoken to her by the Lord."
With love and everlasting friendship,