
Friday, June 15, 2012

Sacred Quiet Ordinary Time

Happy Ordinary Time!

Now that I have entered into the new season of Ordinary Time of the liturgal
year, I am embracing this long stretch of sacred quiet rhythm . I am taking this
time to pause, to free my body, mind and spirit from the business, to rest,
and to reflect on the seeds that have been gathered and planted in me
during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent , Easter and Pentecost this
past year. God is working and stirring things up as only God can.

I am finding that it is different each year. A friend of mine once shared
with me something her spiritual director told her,

" go deeper into the mystery of God's love".

That is exactly what this liturgal year has blessed me with...seeds planted
deep in my soul that are taking root in the mansions of my soul,
as Theresa of Avalia writes.

This quiet time, this ordinary time, is an gift from God for me to listen
in the quiet and to connect with nature and make time for centering
prayer every day in the cool breeze of these summer evenings in my
back yard as the sun sets each day. This is where God calls me to sit
with her. And in time, I will know what seeds God wants me to grow.
" Be still and know that I am God."
                                      Psalm 46:10