
Friday, July 29, 2011

Morning Prayer

I am learning that each new day needs to be honored with a thank you for creation and our relationships, along with faithfulness that God will bless us with the fruits of the spirit, to enter into God's presence and into each moment with grace to grow, grace to endure and grace to live the day that God places in my path.

I love the liturgy of the morning prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, said in community. I think we all also need time alone with our thoughts and alone with those thoughts that God places on our hearts. I have discovered the morning prayer below on a recent trip to the Holy Cross Monastery in upstate New York. I pray it in the quiet of each morning. For me it is a sacred vow to live fully in each moment with eyes of compassion and trust in God.

O God, this morning I have come, into the quietness and stillness of your presence, to begin the day, so that out of this moment, I may take with me a quiet serenity, which will last me through the rough, and the smooth of this day’s life.

I have come to find wisdom, so that today I may not make any foolish mistakes, that I may know when to speak, and when to keep silent, when to act, and when to refrain from action.

I have come to find peace, so that nothing may worry or upset me, all through today.

I have come to find courage, to be patient not to give up hope, when hopes are long in coming true, to accept disappointment without bitterness, and delay without complaint.

I have come to find love-to listen to your love, so that all through today I may love, without being attached, that nothing may make me bitter or unforgiving.

I have come to begin the day with you, so that I may be able to continue it, and end it with you, without regret.

And I have come this day, O God, to be real, transparent as a mountain spring, with a heart open and spontaneous as a child.

Hear this, my morning prayer: in the name of Jesus and for the sake of the world. Amen-May it be so.

Found at Morningstar R.C. Seminary, Barrackpore, India
adapted by Kent Ira Groff


Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I recently began, well, re-began the practice of centering prayer. Twenty minutes a day to be still and breathe in the breath of God.

"Be still , and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

It is easy for me to pray and to know God when I am filled with joy. My heat soars. It is during those "other times" that my prayer is with such a heavy heart. I know God is with me in my sadness too, yet it is hard to find the words to pray. God knows what is on my heart when I do not have the words.

Finding my way back to centering prayer has opened my heart to receive the love that God has for me. He fills me, with peace, embraces me and upholds me to feel His love and blessings . It is in this time of prayer that I sense the indwelling essence of spirit. I am humbled before its mystery.

When our soul becomes quiet, we are blessed with moments of grace. I continue to learn that there is a blessing in everything. When I got in my car today this was the song that was playing on the radio. It echoed in my heart all day. The message was clear to me....There are blessings in everything even though at times we can't see beyond our pain.